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Change Of Land Use Certificate

Rs 100.00

Change Of Land Use Certificate

Meta Corp
Achhnera, UTTAR PRADESH, India
3/14/2023 1:47:44 AM
Any commercial, industrial, or manufacturing activity is only permitted in an industrial area, according to government regulations. The rationale is that combined Effluent Treatment Plants (CETPs) can be put up in an industrial area to treat the effluents produced during any commercial or manufacturing activity, and the purified water is then disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner. The second option, a change in the name of the company, is a change in the name of the company. In its selected location, which is not in an industrial region, the business entity can implement its own pollution control measures. Every industrial facility that is to be built outside of an industrial area must apply for a change of land use certificate.
Change Of Land Use Certificate

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